Customs regimentations
1 - formalities to the entry and the exit |
Stay in Algeria, you benefit from the exemption of rights and taxes, for effects and personal objects that understand all new or used articles of which you have need for your personal use during your journey, to the exclusion of all merchandise imported to the commercial ends.
2 - total exemption of rights and taxes |
Are admitted duty-free objects and personal effects having a value of less than 20 000 DA
3 - customs tolerances |
Concerning tobacco, alcohols and perfumes, travelers penetrating in
4 - inclusive taxation: |
Objects and personal effects as definite to the sense customs, declared and admitted some 20 000 DA in addition can benefit in the setting of exemptions and tolerances at an inclusive taxation in the limit of the 50 000 DA.
Are excluded of the profit of the inclusive taxation, when their number and quantity pass the reasonable needs, the following articles,:
5 - Deposit of capitals and goods: |
Banknotes or other means of payment can be imported
Henceforth travelers are not submitted to the obligation of changes in borders.
If you arrive of the outsider with the goods liable of rights and taxes, but you don't arrange, for the clearance of the necessary sum or the special administrative authorization your merchandise is put in deposit in stores belonging to customs.
You have 2 months to proceed to their clearance (4 months for goods submitted to special administrative authorization).
6 - temporary admission: |
For a stay to well determined period, some objects or effects of personal use can benefit from an abeyance of rights and taxes by the slant of a temporary admission procedure.
This so-called operation, subscribed concern notably besides the personal effects, animals, vehicles with 2 wheels on the notebook of acquirements to guaranty, tow, trailers, crafts, airships.
7 - tourist cards: |
Vehicles, ,avionses trailers and crafts are admitted duty-free
Temporary .A this effect, a card touristique,valable three months and consigning all information identification of the vehicle as well as information concerning the stay (length, date ,échéance, number of registration and visa) is delivered to arriv © ar the bures traveler must subscribe to an insurance obligatory border. The international card of insurance is not admitted. |
8 - control of change: |
To the exit he/it will be asked for the declaration of mottos initially delivered to the entry and will be annotated of all operations of deposit or change done in Algeria and possibly the hang-over of mottos.
9 - fashion of acquirement of the ticket: |
For regulations of your relative invoices to your stay, some,