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Tourist Circuits in Algeria

Sara Travel propose on you circuits for discovering the natural splendor of Algerian desert ,of the cities and ancient sites by dicovering and knowing their history from numidian time till nowadays

Forest Thistle
The prehistoric Tassili

 Itinerary :Djanet, Tamrit, Sefar, Tin Tazarift, Tin Znmaitok, Tamrit, Djanet.
The most beautiful site of the Tassili so much by its landscapes that by the quality of the art that there is represented. Visit in this comprehensive museum of the marvelous represented paintings is added the striking appearance of this real mineral lite. For more informations


Forest Thistle
Hike in the Gourara

  The big western erg is a continent of dunes. To the verge of the big erg and to the foot of arid cliffs, a rosary of palm groves form a stream of greenery.Of this green torrent, is born Timimoun, the most important oasis of the Gourar. She/it is characterized by an architecture of Sudanese type. The dunes of the big western erg can achieve until 120 m of height and can culminate here to 673 m.It is delimited at the north by the Atlas of the Sahara, to the East by the M'Zab, to the south by the platter of the tadmaït and to the west by the oases of the Touat and the Saoura wadi.
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Forest Thistle
The gardens of the Sahoura

  The Sahoura shells its picturesque oases along the roads of Mauritania. The traveler can choose in the immensity of the undulating dunes and ochres of the big western erg, of the palm groves of the Touat. Between every Oasis, it is the immensity, the unknown, the strange and the fairy. No one can hide its emotion, no one can remain indifferent before this eternal silence, the infinite spaces, in a lush oasis and can devour of sand. For more informations


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